Creating templates using Web Form Designer

About Templates

Templates are electronic documents used for the eformsign service. They are e-documents transformed from existing paper forms such as applications, contracts, and agreements. You can create and upload templates in the eformsign service with its Web form designer or eformsign for Microsoft Office.


❗Why use templates?

Using templates is useful for documents that need to be sent often or regularly. If a tempate is registered once, you don’t have to upload a document file whenever you need to send a document. You can just easily create and sent documents using the template.


For more information about eformsign for Microsoft Office, refer to Creating templates using eformsign for Microsoft Office.

How to create a template with Web Form Designer


For more information about Web form designer, please refer to Introduction to Web Form Designer.

You can easily create a template by uploading a file online.


The file formats supported: pdf, hwp, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, odt, jpg, png, gif, tiff

File size: up to 9MB

  1. Drag and drop the file that you want to create as a template, or click the Select a file button to select a file from your computer and upload it.

    Manage Templates > Uploading a File (1)
    Manage Templates > Uploading a File (2)
  2. Add signers and set the role for each signer.

    Dragging a field
  3. Select a field that you want to add and drag it onto the uploaded file.

    Dragging a field
  4. Adjust the size and position of the field.

  5. Set the details in the Properties tab after clicking the field.

  6. View the document by clicking the Preview button.

  7. Click the Next button after you finish designing the form. The Create template page will be displayed.

Template settings

You can set the details for the template.

  • General

    Sets the template name, abbreviation, document name, document number, etc.

  • Set permissions

    Grants members or groups the permission to use and edit the template and to create documents from it and manage them.

  • Workflow

    Sets the workflow for the document from its creation to completion.

  • Field

    Sets the default values and auto-filled values for fields.

  • Notification settings

    Sets the recipients, and the content of the notification messages for notifying changes in the status of documents created from the template.

Workflow Overview

A workflow is a document process from its creation to completion.

The workflow for each template can be set by template managers in Template settings > Workflow.

By default, all workflows have Start and Complete steps. You can add as many Reviewer, and Signer steps as you want for each workflow.

Workflow Steps
  • Signer

    Signs and fills out documents.

  • Reviewer

    Only approves or rejects documents.

  • Need to view

    Only views documents.

Template Settings

You can set detailed configurations for each template you create.


Only the Company administrator or Template manager can perform this action.

This action can be performed in web browsers of computers and mobile devices, and also in mobile apps.

  1. Go to Manage templates in the sidebar menu.

  2. Click the name or settings icon (image1) of the template you want.



Template Settings > General

Configure basic settings for the template

Set basic information about the template including the template name, category, validity period, etc.

① Template name

The template name will be displayed in the Manage templates and New from template pages.

The recommended length of the template name is about 11 characters, including spaces. If the name is longer than 11 characters, you can see the full name by hovering the mouse over the name.

Template Name
② Template abbreviation

A short name that briefly descries the template. It is recommended to use two or three words.

Template abbreviation can be used in the document number, document name, mail template, etc.

③ Category

Category is used to sort templates by type. With the category name, you can filter templates in the Manage templates menu, and can filter documents in the Documents menus and the Manage documents menu. You can choose from an existing category or create a new category by entering a new name.

You can set multi-level categories with a separator ( / ). For example, if you set a category as HR Team/Vacation, the Vacation category in the HR category is created.

④ Description

Enter additional comments about the template. This description is displayed under the template name in New from template.

⑤ Template validity period

Sets the time period in which documents can be created from this template. By default, the start date is set to the uploaded date and you can change the date.

If you check No expiry date, documents can be created without a time limit. If you uncheck it and set the date, then documents can be created from the template up to that date.

Document settings

Configure additional settings including document naming rules for documents created from the template.

⑥ Document naming rule

Sets the document name when creating the document from the template. If a document naming rule is not set, the template name will be the document name.

⑦ Allow document name change

If Allow document name change is checked, the document creator can change the document name.

⑧ Generate a document number

If Generate a document number is checked, documents are automatically numbered. You can select the document number format and the workflow step in which document numbers are generated.


⑨ Skip pop-up window when sending documents

Use it when many documents are created and submitted. If this option is unchecked, a pop-up window for entering a message will appear when sending a document. When Skip pop-up window when sending documents is checked, the pop-up window does not appear and the page proceeds to the next step.

➉ Document retention period

Sets the retention period for documents created from the template. If this is not set, then the document retention period for the template follows the company-wide settings.


The retention period can be set from a minimum of 1 day to a maximum of 15 years.

Maximum retention period by year/month/day

  • 15 years

  • 180 months

  • 5,475 days

💡For information on how to set the company-wide document retention period, go to Document retention period.

General > Setting the Document Naming Rule

In Template settings, you can set the document naming rule for documents created from a template.

Document naming rule

You can make a piece of information entered into a document or document-related information to be automatically entered into the document name. If you set the document naming rule, then the document name is automatically entered based on the information of the document. As well, you can see this name in all document pages (In progress, Action required and Completed) and the Manage document page.

Manage Documents > Documents List
How to set the document naming rule
Template Settings > Setting the Document Naming Rule
  1. In the sidebar menu, click the Manage templates menu.

  2. Click on the settings icon (image4) of the desired template to go to the Template settings page.

  3. Set the desired naming rule in the Document naming rule section in the General tab by adding reserved words.

  4. Click the Save button on the top right corner to save the changes.

How to use reserved words
Setting Document Naming Rules Using Reserved Words
  • Component ID: Adds a piece of information in the document into the document name.

    Click the Add reserved word button, and click Component ID to display the list of field IDs and then select the desired field ID. The information in that particular field will be added to the document name.

  • General info: Adds document-related information into the document name.

    Click General info to display the list of information type and then select the desired information. Information types are as follows.

    Information types



    The date in which the document is created (e.g. Feb 20, 2020)


    The time in which the document is created (e.g. 02:59 pm)


    The date and time in which the document is created (e.g. Feb 20, 2020, 02:59 pm)


    The ID of the member who created the document


    The name of the member who created the document


    The department of the member who created the document

    Creator_company Name

    The name of the company in which the member who created the document belongs to


    The template name entered in Template settings > General


    The template abbreviation entered in Template settings > General


    A unique ID for the document, represented by a 32-digit alphanumeric combination


    The number generated when the Generate a document number option is enabled in General


    The company name entered in Manage company > Company profile


    The address entered in Manage company > Company profile


    The contact information entered in Manage company > Company profile


    The business registration number entered in Manage company > Company profile


    The homepage URL entered in Manage company > Company profile


Check the status of the Allow document name change field.

Even if the document naming rule is set, if the Allow document name change option is checked, the document creator can arbitrarily change the document name. If you do not want the document name to be changed, then make sure to uncheck the Allow document name change option.

Checking the Allow Document Name Change Option

General > Generating and Viewing a Document Number

You can set a document number for documents created in eformsign. You can set it so that a document number is generated automatically for each template, and can select one of four document numbering formats. The document number can be generated in the document using the document field. You can also see a separate column in the document list and search documents by the document number.

Generating a document number
Setting a Document Number
  1. In the sidebar menu, click the Manage templates menu.

  2. Click on the settings icon (image5) of the desired template to go to the Template settings page.

  3. Tick the Generate a document number checkbox in the General page.

    • Selecting a document numbering rule

    Selecting a Document Numbering Rule
    ▪ Serial number

    Generated in the format of the document creation order

    E.g. 1, 2, 3…

    ▪ Year_serial number

    Generated in the format of the document creation year + document creation order

    E.g. 2020_1, 2020_2…

    ▪ Template_serial number

    Generated in the format of the template abbreviation + document creation order

    E.g. Application 1, Application 2…

    ▪ Template_year_serial number

    Generated in the format of the template abbreviation + document creation year + document creation order

    E.g. Application 2020_1, Application 2020_2…

    • Choosing when to number a document


    A number is generated when a document is created.


    A number is generated when a document has been completed after going through all the steps in the workflow.

  4. Click the Save button at the top right corner of the page to apply your changes.

Viewing a document number

A document number can be viewed directly on a document using the document field and can also be viewed in the document list.

  • Viewing a document number directly on a document

    You can generate a document number directly on a document by using the document number field.

    1. Upload a file on Web form designer.

    2. Add the document field in the location where the document number will be displayed.


    3. Click the Next button to go to Template settings.

    4. In Template settings > General, tick the Generate a document number checkbox.

    5. Select a document numbering rule.

    6. Click the Save button to save the settings.

  • Viewing a document number in the Completed and Manage documents pages

    Completed - Document List
    Completed - Document List - Document Number

    A document number can be viewed in the Documents menus (In progress, Action required, and Completed), and the Manage documents menu (requires document management permission).

    1. In the sidebar, click the Completed or Manage documents menu.

    2. Click the column settings icon at the top right corner of the page.

    3. Check Document number in the column list.


    4. Check that the Document number column is added.

  • Searching for a document using a document number


    You can search a document by its document number via advanced search.

    1. Go to the Completed or Manage documents page.

    2. Click the Advanced button at the top right corner of the page.

    3. Select Document number among the search conditions.

    4. Type in the word or number to be searched.

    5. View the search results.

Set Permissions

You can set the permissions for template usage, template editing, and document management.

Template Settings > Set Permissions

Template usage

This permission is needed to create documents from the template, and you can select Allow all or Group or member to allow all the members or some members in the company to create documents from the template.

Template editing

This permission is needed to edit the template, and you can select Members to allow editing the template.

Document management

You can select groups or members to open documents created from the template, void completed documents, or remove documents permanently. You can grant permission for all or some of the three options described below.

  • Open all documents (default): Default permission granted to a document manager and gives the permission to open all documents to authorized groups or members.

  • Void documents (optional): Permission for voiding completed documents when requested by the document creator.

  • Remove documents (optional): Permission to permanently remove documents from the system.

Workflow Settings

You can create or modify the workflow of the template by clicking the Workflow tab in the Template settings page.

Template Settings > Workflow

Adding steps to the workflow

  1. Go to the Workflow configuration page by clicking the Workflow tab.

  2. Click the add button (image10) which is in between the Start and Complete steps.

  3. Select the type of recipient you want to add.

Template Settings > Workflow > Select recipient type


❗The difference between signer, reviewer, and need to view recipients

Signers can sign and fill in the fields in the document while reviewers can only approve or reject the document and Need to view recipients can only view the document.

  1. When selected, a step is added to the workflow.


Signers can be added only in the Design form step. Up to 30 signers can be added. In the workflow, you can add as many steps as you want. You can adjust the order of steps by clicking and dragging a workflow step. To delete a step, click - on the right side of the step button.

Template Settings > Workflow > Add signer


Merge workflow steps - Parallel signing

You can merge multiple workflow steps into o/e so that documents can be sent to all recipients at the same time, regardless of the signing order. You can also split workflow steps that are merged together.


  1. Go to Manage templates > Template settings> Configure > Workflow.

  2. Click the workflow step you want to merge with (when merging two steps, you must click the bottom one).

  3. Click the Merge signing order icon displayed at the top left corner of the selected workflow step. The bottom and top workflow steps will be merged together.

  4. You can also split workflow steps by clicking the same icon.

Merge workflow steps (before)
Merge workflow steps (after)

❗ Note that this feature is available only in New from template. For New from my file, the feature is planned to be available in the future.

Configuring the details of each workflow step

You can click a step to set the details such as Properties for each workflow step.

Start: Step for creating a document

Start step
  • Limit the number of documents: Set the maximum number of documents that can be created from the template.

  • Create documents from URL: Create a public link for external recipients (non-members) to review and sign documents directly via URL without the need to login to the eformsign service.

  • Document creator information: Require users to enter their information (name, email, etc.) before they open documents created from URL.

  • Do not allow duplicate documents: Prevent the creation of duplicate documents and allows to select a field for determining whether a document is duplicated or not.

  • Identity verification: Require document creators to verify their identity before opening documents created from URL.

    • Require email/SMS verification: Send a 6-digit verification code to the recipient’s email or mobile phone number. The recipient can enter the verification code into the verification window to open the document.

If both the Document creator information and Identity verification options are enabled in a template’s workflow, then when document creators create a document from this template, they need to enter their information and verify their identity to create documents. Note that the document creator’s information and identify verification will be displayed in document inboxes and on the audit trail certificate.

  • Approved domain IP: Set to allow creating documents only form approved domains or IPs.

  • Block automated document generation by bots: Require users to tick the reCAPTCHA check box before submitting documents to prevent bots from auto-generating documents.


Block automated document generation by bots

By selecting this option, when a person submits a document after creating a document via URL, the reCAPTCHA feature is dispalyed on the Submit document pop-up. The person can submit the document after ticking the “I’m not a robot” check box.


❗Disabling this option allows bots to mass-generate documents from the document URL, resulting in excessive charges.


How to generate QR code when using the ‘Create documents from URL’ option

When creating a signing link by using the ‘Create document form URL’ option, you can generate a QR code instead of a signing link. You can upload the QR code image on a website or share it with others so the people can create and submit documents by scanning the image using the camera on a mobile device.

Select the Create documents from URL option in the Start step of the workflow and click the Generate QR code button to download the image file.

Workflow > Generate QR code

Signer: Recipient who can sign or fill out a document

Workflow > Signer step properties
  • Notification: Select how recipients can receive notifications and edit their content.

    • By default, notifications are sent by email. You can also select SMS to send notifications via text messages.

    • Edit notification message: You can edit the notification message for each step.

  • Document expiration: Set the time period in which documents can be sent by the recipient of the step. If the time period is set to 0 day 0 hour, then there is no document expiration. No document expiration is only available for members.


    You can configure the settings so that there is no document expiration for members. Simply set Document expiration to 0 Day(s) 0 Hour(s)You can set the document expiration to be up to 50 days for non-members.

  • Automatically fills in the recipient’s contact info: When sending documents to a recipient, this option allows the name and contact of the recipient to be filled in automatically based on the information the recipient enters into the document.

  • Identify verification: Require non-member recipients to verify their identity when opening the document.

    • Require document password: Set a verification password that recipients must enter before opening the document. The password can be the recipient name, a value entered directly by the sender, or the value of a field in the document.

      Require document password
    • Require email/SMS verification: Require recipients to verify their identity using email/SMS. A 6-digit code will be sent to recipients’ email address/mobile number and the recipients must enter the code in the identity verification window. Note that a charge of 0.1 USD incurs per SMS verification.

  • Disable the decline feature: Blocks recipients from being able to decline documents.

  • Hide files or sheets: Allows you to choose which files/sheets in the document are hidden from the recipient, if the form consists of two or more files. This option cannot be applied to company members.


Selecting a signer/reviewer/need to view in a workflow step

For any given step other than Start and Complete, you can choose to pre-select recipients or choose to allow the sender to select recipients before sending a document.

Workflow > Recipients
  • Sender can add/skip recipient: Allows the sender to enter the contact information of the recipients before sending the document. If the sender does not enter the contact information, this step is skipped.

  • Sender needs to add recipient: Requires the sender to enter the contact information of recipients before sending the documents. If the sender does not enter the contact information, the document is not sent.

  • Group or member: Allows you to pre-select recipients. You can only select groups or members in your company.

  • Recipient of a previous step: Allows you to select the person of a previous step including the Start step.


Adding in-person signers to a workflow

You can add in-person signers to a Reviewer, Start, or a Signer workflow step so that you can collection signature in person from signers using a single device.


  1. Go to Add recipients in New from my file or go to Configure > Workflow in Manage templates.

  2. Add a Signer step to the workflow and tick the In-person signing check box. The Signer step becomes an In-person signer and the step above it (Start, Signer, or Reviewer) becomes the Host.

  3. To add more In-person signers, add another Signer and tick the In-person signing check box.

Add in-person signer (before)
Add in-person signer (after)

※Documents with an In-person signer at the start step cannot be sent in bulk.

※You cannot add In-person signers to a parallel signing step.

※You cannot have a parallel signing step before and after a step with an In-person signer.

※Only Members can be the Host.

Reviewer: Recipient who can only approve or reject a document

Workflow > Reviewer
  • Step name: Sets the step name.

  • Notification: Selects how recipients can recive notification messages and edit their content.

    • Edit notification message: Edits the notification messages sent to recipients for each step.

  • Document expiration: Sets the time period for document expiration. If it is set to 0 days and 0 hours, there is no document expiration (applies only to recipients who are members).

Need to view: Recipient who can only view a document.

Workflow > Need to view
  • Step name: Sets the step name.

  • Notification: Selects how recipients can recive notification messages and edit their content.

    • Edit notification message: Edits the notification messages sent to recipients for each step.

  • Document expiration: Sets the time period for document expiration. If it is set to 0 days and 0 hours, there is no document expiration (applies only to recipients who are members).

  • Select when to send the document to the next step: Selects the option in which the document is sent to the next step.

    • When the recipient views the document: The document is sent to the next step when the recipient of the Need to view step views the document.

    • Send the document regardless of whether the recipient views it or not: The document is sent to the next step regardless of whether the recipient of the Need to view step views the document.

How to collaborate with other recipients in a workflow step


If you add multiple recipients in a workflow step, all recipients of the step can sign or review the document.

All recipients can sign or review the document

However, multiple recipients cannot work on a document simultaneously. Only one recipient can work on a document at a time, and all others are locked out from the document and can only preview it.

Document locked

Once the recipient working on the document saves it as a draft by clicking the see more button (⋮) and then clicking Save as draft, then other recipients can work on the document.

Save as draft

❗Note that when there are multiple recipients in a workflow step, if any one of them submits a document, it is sent to the next step in the workflow. Therefore, when you finish working on a document, you should save it as as a draft and only send the document when everyone has finished working on it.

How to hide files in a document


Using the ‘Hide files or sheets option’

If you add multiple files to a document, you can hide certain files from recipients in a workflow step. If you upload multiple files to a document, then the Hide files or sheets option appears in the Properties tab of workflow steps in Template settings where you can choose to hide or show each file.

❗Note that the ‘Hide files or sheets’ option is only available when sending a document to non-member recipients.


  1. Go to Sidebar menu Manage templates.

  2. Click the Settings icon (⚙)of the desired template.

  3. Go to Configure > Workflow.

  4. Select the desired recipient step.

  5. Select the Hide files or sheets option in Properties on the right.

  6. For each file or Excel sheet, select one of the options below.

    • Required: The file or sheet is shown to the recipient.

    • Optional: The document creator can choose whether to show or hide the file or sheet to the recipient.

    • Hide: The file or sheet is hidden from the recipient.

Hide files or sheets

Complete: Step in which a document is finally completed

Complete step
  • Step name: You can change the name of the step. The default name is ‘Complete’.

  • Backup completed documents in external cloud storages: Allow the document to be stored in external cloud storages connected to eformsign by the administrator or company managers.

  • Timestamp: Allow the completed document to be timestamped which proves that the document remains unchanged since that time. This feature will incur an extra charge.


In the Field menu, you can set the default values or auto-fill values for fields in the template, and adjust the order of the fields.

Template Settings > Field

You can set the default value of a field to be the value saved in company/group/member information in Manage custom fields. You can also choose it to be the value entered recently or a value entered manually.


How to configure auto-fill

You can save information that are frequently entered into a document so that they can be used for auto-filling later.

For example, you can pre-save information about your company or group (such as department name, leader, and representative number) and information about the document creator (including name and contact details). You can add items for related fields and set the default values in Manage company > Manage custom fields.

  1. In the Manage custom fields screen, add a field.

  2. Go to the Manage templates menu.

  3. Click the Template settings icon.

  4. Go to the Field menu.

  5. Enter the default value for the field that you want to be auto-filled.

  6. After completing all the settings, click the Save button.

Notification Settings

You can select the recipients of status notification messages, and view and edit the messages for documents created from the template.

Document status notifications

You can select who will receive status notifications for documents created from the template. You can also preview the following notification message types: approved, reviewed and signed, rejected, voided, and corrected. As well, you can edit and preview the notification messages for completed documents.

Notification settings


When the Document creator option is checked but the Step handler option is unchecked, a status notification is sent to the person who originally created the document.

When the Document creator option is unchecked but the Step handler option is checked, status notifications are sent to people who have processed the document before the current step, except the document creator.

When the Document creator and Step handler options are both checked, status notifications are sent to both the document creator and the people who have processed the document before the current step.

When the Document creator and Step handler options are both unchecked, no notifications will be sent for that status.


❗When the Document creator option for When the document is completed is checked and an external recipient creates and submits a document via a URL, the external recipient must enter his/her email in which a notification will be sent to when the document is completed.

Editing document status notifications

Editing document status notifications
  • Select notification template: The document status notification template is set to the default template, but you can change it to another template if you create one. For information on how to create a new notification template, refer to Notification Template Management.

  • Email title: Sets the title of the email sent when a document is completed.

  • SMS message: Sets the message when a document completion notification is sent via SMS. A link for viewing the document is sent together with the message.


The message size can be a maximum of 65 bytes (65 characters).

  • Files attached & Method: Select the files to be send together with the document completion notification and select the filees to be attached.

    • Download link: A download link button is included in the email or SMS of a completed document, and opens a document viewer page when clicked. In the viewer page, you can view and download the document.

    • Attachment: PDF file(s) are included in the email. However, if the size of the document exceeds 10 MB or file(s) are sent via SMS, then a download link is included instead.


    If you send an email notification using the Attachment method, the completed document is included in the email. Therefore, even if is configured to require the recipient to go through identity verification, the recipient can still view and download the document.

  • Edit body: Edits the body of the notification message.

Search Templates

In the Manage templates page, you can lookup and search templates by template category.


① Lookup Templates

Click the box (1) to lookup templates by template status and category. Click X to return to view all categories.

By default, templates are saved in the Sample category. You can create categories in Template settings > General.

② Search templates

You can search templates by entering keywords for the template name and category name.

③ Sort

You can select the template sorting order in ascending or descending by template name or category.

④ Viewing method

You can select between Thumbnail view and List view for viewing templates.

  • Thumbnail: Preview templates as thumbnails.

    Thumbnail view
  • List: Preview templates as lists.

    List view